Счетоводство, данъци, осигуряване

Accounting services

The package service, provided acoording to the provisions of the current law, includes the following main aspects: 

  • Organization of the accounting process, development and preparation of accounting policy of the company, incoming control for compliance of primary documents with the provisions of current legislation, current accounting of business operations, preparation of necessary secondary accounting documents in connection with the company's activities, filing and archiving of the accounting documentation; 
  • Reporting of VAT and Intrastat, including preparation and submission of documents for VAT registration, preparation and submission of monthly VAT return declarations and VAT documents; 
  • Administration of the relations with the staff - preparation of remunerations, documents for payment of social security contributions, submission of declarations to the National Revenue Agency, etc. More information can be found in the Personnel Administration section; 
  • Processing of bank payments with provided access to passive electronic banking; 
  • Monthly preparation of a financial report for the current actual financial result of the company, providing references and information for the client's needs; 
  • Preparation and submission of reports, declarations and other similar documents to the NRA, NII, BNB, NSI, TR, LI, etc; 
  • Annual accounting closing of the company's activity, according to the provisions of the Bulgarian legislation: preparation of the annual financial report of the company according to IFRS / IAS or NSFOMSP and its submission to the Trade Register of the Registry Agency and NSI, preparation and submission of the annual tax return of the company, preparation of the necessary tax payments; 
  • Informing the client about current changes in the applicable legislation, about deadlines concerning interaction with state institutions; 
  • Assistance / representation in front of state institutions - NRA, NSSI, IT, TR, etc.