Счетоводство, данъци, осигуряване

ERP system implementations

Implementing an integrated business management system is a complex process that requires significant time and resources. The success of such an endeavor depends on the correct assessment and interpretation of company processes in the ERP system.

  • The main goal in the implementation of an ERP-system, is its purpose - to reflect in a relatively automated and - most of all  -correct way all activities in the company, as well as to provide the necessary information to the management for their management analysis, by integrating management accounting in it, and thus ensure that appropriate management decisions are taken.
  • Building an appropriate business model, covering the company's processes is not an easy task, which requires significant participation of specialists in finance and accounting, as each aspect of the company's activities ultimately is reflected in its accounting. The correct implementation and adjustment of the system is a guarantee for its efficiency and as a final result - automation of processes and performance of activities by staff without accounting knowledge. 
  • We offer performing of the activities, related to development of implementation project, including consultations related to the selection of an ERP-system, assessment of the existing environment, proposals for process optimization, building a suitable business model and its implementation, system settings and staff training to work with it.